Australia Skilled Nominated & Sponsored Visa – Subclass 190 

Like all other Australia PR Visas even the Skilled Nominated Visa – Subclass 190 has a point based selection system. The State Nominated Visa allows the aspiring immigrant to work and live in Australia without any stipulated duration/ period. As the name suggests, this Visa process requires a State nomination, or an Australian territory government agency nomination. Only then you or the aspiring immigrant can apply for this particular type of Visa. The government of Australia has an online point ranking system for aspiring immigrants from all over the world. Skill Select is an electronic scoring system for the potential visa migrants to Australia. 

How to apply for  Subclass 190 Visa With Australia PR Visa Consultants ?

In order to be able to apply for this State Nominated Visa the visa aspirant has to first fill up a skills assessment with a relevant government body. The Department Of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBT) has to assess your occupational skills  to be able to practice the occupation in the country. Upon  positive skills assessment submit an ‘Expression of Interest’ (EOI) online in the SkillSelect system. The minimum points that the candidate has to score is at least 60 points.  He/ she subsequently applies for the Australia State /Territory Govt agency. Once you successful bag it wait for the ITA or ‘Invitation to Apply’. The application for the Subclass 190 Visa has to be filed within a period of 60 days of the ITA. 

Benefits of  Subclass 190 Visa

 Live and work in the county of Australia for long -term Study in college, pursue vocational education, or a graduate/ postgraduate university course 

 Receive health care benefits at subsidy

 After living the for a while it gets easier to apply for Australian citizenship

 Sponsor your eligible family members to join up with you in Australia. 

Eligibility criteria/ requirements to apply Skill Nominated Visa

(1) Your occupation must match / relate to any of those listed on the CSOL of Australia (Consolidated Skilled Occupations List). 

(2) The Occupation Skills Assessment must be done by a recognized  authority/ head.

(3) Prove your English Language Proficiency through IELTS/ PTE Results/ Aus State/ terrirtory recognized language skills test.

(4) Candidate must be within the age limit of 18 -50 at the time of receiving the ‘Invitation to Apply’.

(5) On SkillSelect, the candidate must score a minimum of 60 points on basic scoring factors like age, qualification, English language proficiency, work experience, State/ Territory sponsorship.

(6) Successfully submit the EOI (Expression Of Interest)

(7) Subsequently apply for State / territory govt. agency nomination.

(8) Upon receiving the ITA (Invitation to Apply) file necessary documents

(9) Note:- The candidate must be able to provide relevant evidence on the details that he/she  has entered from the start of the Australia Sponsored Visa process.

(10) Certification for health/ medical checkup 

(11) Character check Certification(12) Visa holder must then be prepared to live in the specified State/ territory nominated region  in Australia for a minimum period of 2 years after Visa  approval.

You and your eligible family members can enjoy the Australia PR Visa benefits!